In ce priveste aromele, eu consider ca in materie de cozonac, cuvantul abuz nu exista.
Separ albusurile de galbenusuri. Peste galbenusuri pun o fiola de esenta de rom si putina sare, iar albusurile le impart in 2 ( folosesc doar jumatate din ele ). Ouale astfel separate le pun la frigider. Toate celelalte ingrediente ( mai putin laptele) se lasa la temperatura camerei.
Pun stafidele la inmuiat in apa cat sa le acopere, in care pun o fiola esenta de rom si multa coaja rasa de portocala ( tinuta minim 2 sapatamani la borcan, in zahar).
Pregatesc toate ingredientele pe cae le voi folosi la cozonac si le las in bucatarie, pentru a nu fi reci atunci cand incep prepararea cozonacului.
Scot galbenusurile din frigider si le las sa se incalzeasca treptat. Pun stafidele intr-o strecuratoare mai mare pentru a se scurge bine de apa. Topesc drojdia in putin lapte indulcit si incalzit usor, amestec cu 1-2 linguri de faina si pun la crescut.
I've tried the recipe!! Really great! Just like what my mother in law used to prepare!! Excellent! Thanks to you .... wife has become the best cozonac maker in the world. Keep up the good work!
Wife made it again! Wow .... even better than last April. Our New Year treat. My mother was so impressed!! Thanks PETITCHEF Romania. Guess I should have been born Romanian!
Comentarii (44):
I've tried the recipe!! Really great! Just like what my mother in law used to prepare!! Excellent! Thanks to you .... wife has become the best cozonac maker in the world. Keep up the good work!
E prima data cand fac eu cozonacul, iar mama mea asteapta sa i-l trimit. Sper ca va iesi frumos si gustos :)
Wife made it again! Wow .... even better than last April. Our New Year treat. My mother was so impressed!! Thanks PETITCHEF Romania. Guess I should have been born Romanian!
Foarte bun
Foarte bun,
Super sa incerc si eu...Doamne ajuta ! Sergiu.
Lovely and tasty! Thanks
Am sa prepar sieu cozonac