Sparanghel cu pui stir-fry (Asparagus with Chicken stir - fry)

Sparanghel cu pui stir-fry (Asparagus with Chicken stir - fry)

Scroll down for English recipe

Postul de azi poate face parte din ciclul "Ce minunatii am mai gasit prin piete". Nu mi-a venit sa cred cand azi, pe o taraba am zarit manunchiuri de sparanghel. Frumusele, prospetele si mai mari decat cele din supermarketuri. 10 RON un manunchi.
Am cumparat un manunchi si, cum nu am mai facut pana acum, am inceput documentarea. Intr-un final, moarta de foame si pofta, am ales sa fac ceva rapid si usor.

Pentru sparanghel am fiert putina apa intr-o cratita si l-am pus acolo, acoperit cu un capac si cu 1 lingurita de sare. Dupa ce s-a fiert (cam 10 minute), l-am strecurat si l-am mai pus putin in cratita cu unt.

In timp ce sparanghelul fierbe, taie fasii subtiri un piept de pui. Pune-l intr-un castron si peste el toarna niste vin, 2 linguri de sos de soia si 1 lingura de amidon de porumb. Intr-o tigaie wok incalzeste 3 linguri de ulei de porumb. Taie felii 2 catei de usturoi si invarte-i putin in uleiul incins. Pune carnea si amestecand, rumeneste-o pe toate partile. Pune capacul si lasa cateva minute pana ce carnea e gata.

Serveste sparanghelul cu garnitura de pui.

I have to admit this is my first time eating asparagus. Here in Romania this vegetable is an "exotic' one, because we don't cultivate it. You can find asparagus in big hypermarkets, but I like to eat my vegetables fresh and to know from where they come. So, you can ask yourself what happened that I start cooking asparagus? Few days before, while shopping in the vegetable market (Where farmers come with their fresh products, directly from the field), I saw them on a stand. I couldn't believe my eyes! The lady selling asparagus told me that she cultivates them. They looked so fresh and tasty, that I couldn't resist and I bought a bunch.
At home, I had to search for a good recipe. Finally, almost dead from hunger, I chose to do something quick and easy.

1 chicken breast, cut in thin stripes1 bunch asparagus, washed2 tablespoons soy sauce1 tablespoon corn starch4 Tbs white wine3 tablespoons corn oil2 cloves of garlic

Boil some water in a skillet and put the asparagus in it. Add a teaspoon of salt and let it simmer for 10 minutes. Drain the water (or reserve it for a soup), return the asparagus in the skillet and sautee it with some butter.
While boiling asparagus, cut chicken breast in thin strips. Put meat in a bowl and mix it with wine, soy sauce and corn starch. In a wok heat the corn oil. Slice the cloves of garlic and slightly fry them in hot oil. Put the meat and stirring, brown it on all sides. Put the lid and let a few minutes until the meat is ready.Serve asparagus with chicken garnish.

C Cooking with my soul


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