Pulpa de vita brezata in vin rosu cu coaja de portocala si rozmarin (Beef steak brased in red wine with orange grating and rosmary)

Pulpa de vita brezata in vin rosu cu coaja de portocala si rozmarin (Beef steak brased in red wine with orange grating and rosmary)

Scroll down for English Recipe

I missed a meal with a thick and flavored sauce, which is done slowly in the oven. I remembered the Beef Bourguignon and I decided this time to braise the beef in the wine, but to be bold and use a little fruity orange flavor and rosemary . And here it is.

Imi era dor de o mancare cu un sos gros si aromat, care sa se faca incet- incet in cuptor. Mi-am adus aminte de Beef Bourguignon si m-am hotarat ca de data asta sa brezez vita tot in vin, dar sa fiu putin mai indrazneata si sa folosesc aroma putin fructata de portocala si cea mentolata de rozmarin. Si iata ce a iesit.

Pentru 4 persoane
800 g pulpa de vita600 g ceapa, tocata nu foarte fin500 g morcovi, taiati cubulete750 ml vin rosu demiseccoaja de la o portocala, partea galbena, taiata fasii1 ramurica de rozmarin3 linguri de uleisare, piper dupa gust 1. Taie pulpa de vita in 4 bucati. Cu un servet absorbant sterge carnea de umezeala. Presara cu sare si piper pe toate partile.
2. Taie legumele, cojeste portocala cu aparatul cu care cureti coaja de la morcovi. Ai grija sa nu pui si partea alba din portocala, care e cam amaruie.
3. Incalzeste cuptorul la 185 C (mediu ).
4. Intr-o tigaie mare incalzeste uleiul la foc mediu. Pune carnea si lasa pana ce se aureste pe o parte, dupa care intoarce-o pe cealalta part. Focul trebuie sa fie mediu, pentru a nu arde carnea. Nici prea mic nu e bine sa fie focul, pentru ca atunci carnea nu mai capata culoarea aurie la suprafata.
5. Cand e gata, pune carnea in tava pe care o s-o bagi la foc, da focul mai mic si adaugain tigaie toate legumele.

6. Caleste-le cam 10 minute, pana se inmoaie. Pune vinul, coaja de portocala, rozmarinul, sare si piper si da un clocot. Pune toata compozitia in tava, peste carne.

7. Acopera tava cu folie de aluminiu, ca un capac. Pune-o in cuptor pentru 2 ore.
8. Mai uita-te din cand in cand, sa nu scada lichidul prea mult. Dar daca ai acoperit bine tava cu folia de aluminiu, n-o sa ai problema asta.
9. Dupa 2 ore scoate tava din cuptor, ridica usor folia si incearca carnea. Daca e moale moale, ai terminat. Daca nu, mai lasa tava in cuptor 1 ora.
10. Cel mai bine e sa mananci mancarea asta a2a zi, pentru ca va fi foarte aromata. O poti manca cu paine de casa, cum am facut eu, sau cu o mamaliguta moale.

English version

For 4 servings

* 800 g beef
* 600 g onion, chopped
* 500 g carrots, cut into cubes
* 750 ml of dry red wine
* Peel of an orange, the yellow, cut in strips
* A branch of rosemary
* 3 tablespoons oil
* Salt and pepper to taste

1. Cut beef into 4 pieces. With an absorbent towel remove the moisture from meat. Sprinkle with salt and pepper on all sides.
2. Cut vegetables, peel the orange with the device used to peel carrots. Be careful not to put the white of the orange, which is bitter.
3. Preheat oven to 185 C (average).4.In a large skillet heat oil over medium heat. Put the meat and leave until it is browned on one side, then turn on the other side. Heat should be medium, not to burn the meat.
5. When ready, place meat in a tray.
6. Add vegetables in the skillet and sautee them for 10 minutes, until soft. Put the wine, orange peel, rosemary, salt and pepper and give one boil.
7. Put all the skillet composition over meat. Cover tray with aluminum foil as a lid. Put it in oven for 2 hours.
Check from time to time, for the liquid not to disappear. But if it is well covered with aluminum foil, you will not have this problem.
After the 2 hours, take the tray out of the oven and try the meat. If it is soft, you're done. If not, leave the tray in oven 1 more hour.
It's best to eat this 2nd day, because it will be very aromatic. You can eat with bread, like I did, or with cremy polenta.

C Cooking with my soul


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